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Updates to the Hogan 360 Technical Manual Supplement are now ready


Mar 24, 2020


We are pleased to announce that the latest version of the Hogan 360 Technical Manual Benchmark Supplement is now available. The Hogan 360 benchmarks are updated annually and provide a useful point of reference for evaluating a leader’s performance.


The latest version Hogan 360 Technical Manual Benchmark Supplement provides information about the updated benchmarks for the Hogan 360 and includes the following enhancements:

  • Tables that enable those using the Hogan 360 to obtain the equivalent percentile for a person’s overall Hogan 360 score including across different job levels
  • Benchmarks by sector (i.e. private, public and not-for-profit)
  • Benchmarks for PBC’s newest item bank on managing risk, an increasingly topical and critical competency for leaders
  • Benchmarks for the Hogan 360 group report options (i.e. the Hogan 360 Intact Team and Cohort reports)

The latest version of the Hogan 360 Technical Manual Benchmark Supplement also contains some interesting findings. For instance, one of the most valuable sections of the Hogan 360 is the Top Strengths and Top Opportunities table where raters are asked to pick an individual’s top four strengths and top four opportunities to improve from a list of 26 items. When looking at the highest-ranked items there were some consistent items amongst the top four rankings regardless of job level. However, there were also some interesting differences.

The items ‘Is visionary and strategic’ and ‘Has strong leadership skills’ were amongst the highest-ranked items for CEOs and Executive Board Members, however, they were ranked much lower for all other job levels. This suggests that these strengths may be more unique to CEOs and Executive Board Members than those operating in other job levels. This aligns with the shift that is often required for those in senior leadership roles to be more strategic and provide strong leadership to ensure the organisation is achieving competitive advantage and delivering results through high-performing cultures.

Competency Top Strengths Rankings From 1 to 26

There were also some interesting differences when looking at those responsible for leading others versus those without direct reports when looking at the top opportunities to improve. Specifically, the number one opportunity to improve for those without direct reports was ‘Show leadership on issues’ whereas this item was ranked much lower for other job levels. This may be related to the item ‘Be more assertive’ which was also ranked much higher for those without direct reports compared to those in leadership roles. These two opportunities to improve could have implications for whether someone is seen as a potential leader which in turn may impact on whether they are considered for leadership roles in the future. The focus for development for those who currently do not have any direct reports may differ to those in other job levels to include being assertive and showing leadership on issues if they desire to step into leadership roles in the future.

Competency Top Opportunities to Improve Rankings From 1 to 26

PBC will be sharing a range of interesting research insights for the Hogan 360 this year including some recent research exploring the relationship between the Hogan 360 and Hogan Personality Assessments. So please keep an eye out for our newsletters and online posts.

If you are interested in becoming certified in the Hogan 360, access to the complimentary online qualifying webinar is available via the following link:

We will also be hosting a live Hogan 360 qualification webinar and a Hogan 360 masterclass. Please visit our webinar registration page for more information.

If you require further information about the Hogan 360 please contact or +61 2 8918 0888.

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