
Talent Codex

Talent Codex brings together PBC’s industry-leading practices for finding and nurturing RAW talent.

Defining “talent” has been eluding researchers for decades, with different disciplines taking different viewpoints on what “talent” is. From our review and with the support of research by Hogan, PBC views “talent” as the interplay of three factors. We believe talented people are rewarding, able and willing to work with, both in their current position as well as future positions they may hold. These Individuals have RAW talent.

Talent Model

Underpinned by our definition of talent, the PBC Talent Codex can help your organisation develop a talent management strategy that considers your organisation’s unique strengths and challenges. We will work with your organisation to determine the relevant needs at each Talent Pillar and design a tailored solution to support your organisation win the war for talent.

“The war for talent is over and everyone lost.” (Chammorro-Premuzic, 2017)


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