
Leadership as the Unifying Business Performance Factor


Sep 19, 2023


Business performance is multi factoral, balancing financial and non-financial risks. It is critical that businesses to remain competitive are presenting a balanced approach to both and ensuring their social licence as the EHS (Environmental, Health & Safety) and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) agendas are aligning.


When so many of these performance factors rely on people measures and performance, Leadership is the unifying factor that ensures a business is balanced and able to deliver on its performance aspirations and expectations. Leadership is the critical and differentiating input to how organisations make decisions and then sustain those decisions to implementation.


As a unifying and multiplying factor in business it is crucial that Leadership capability is able to be measured and developed consciously and with the broader opportunity of organisational performance and impact in mind. Organisational Development professionals are responsible for developing an organisation’s people capabilities, including leadership, to deliver organisational performance. To do this requires Organisational Development teams to have a vision of future leadership capability in mind and a strategy to move the organisations leadership cohort in that direction consciously. Leaders developing their leadership capabilities shouldn’t be by accident or by choice but defined by structured opportunities to build a capability that aligns with delivering on the organisations strategic direction.  


PBC Hogan is in the position to equip Organisational Development functions and organisations with the tools and evidence base by which to develop and measure individual, team, cohort and organisational capability. Having an objective measure of the baseline of capability allows for the intelligent design of development plans, programs and workforce strategies that elevate capability to deliver on the organisation’s performance aspirations and expectations aligned with strategy.


Being able to meaningfully measure and develop capability relative to strategy positions Organisational Development functions to be able to engage the support of the broader business on terms they are familiar with and articulate the position and value of leadership capability as a core performance factor for the business. Make better decisions, sustain those decisions in implementation and improve business performance.


Hogan tools measure leadership to develop and improve the impact of your leaders on your business’ performance. They are valid and reliable so you can have confidence in the direction you are developing your leaders and taking your business. We have the research to prove what works.


For more information on how PBC can help your organisation, contact


*This article is authored by Alex Bond, Director of PBC

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