
Unveiling the Dynamics of Success: Strengths of Middle Managers, CEOs, and the Transition from Manager to Leader


Jan 15, 2024


In the dynamic landscape of today's business world, where change is constant and adaptability is key, organisations are placing an increased emphasis on the often-underappreciated linchpin of their success – middle managers.


5 strengths of middle managers

The best middle managers are working in the business where their work ethic and job competency stand out. They are operational, not strategic. They are getting the job done.

Our unique 360 research enables us to compare the top 10% of CEOs with the top 10% of managers, where the CEO is defined as the leader of the organisation and the manager is at the middle level of the pyramid.


The top 5 strengths of Managers scoring at the 90th percentile and above are:

  1. Works hard, has a strong work ethic
  2. Has strong leadership skills
  3. Builds effective relationships
  4. Has solid technical ability, experience and knowledge
  5. Is action oriented and gets things done


5 strengths of CEOs

The CEOs stand out for being visionary and strategic and motivational/inspiring. They are responsible for building high performing teams and employee engagement to deliver the purpose, goals and values. The best middle managers are working in the business where their work ethic and job competency stand out. They are operational, not strategic. They are getting the job done.


The top 5 strengths of CEOs scoring at the 90th percentile and above are:

  1. Has strong leadership skills
  2. Is visionary and strategic
  3. Motivates and inspires others
  4. Builds effective relationships
  5. Has a positive and enthusiastic attitude


Transition from manager to leader

Acknowledging the transition from manager to leader as a multifaceted journey underscores the importance of holistic development. Beyond technical skills, cultivating emotional intelligence (EQ), strategic thinking, and effective communication are pivotal for middle managers evolving into leaders. This broader skill set not only enhances their ability to navigate complex organisational challenges but also fosters a collaborative and inclusive leadership style.


“Management is focused on creating order through processes, whereas leadership is focused on creating change through a vision. More specifically, for example, leadership creates a vision, and management creates deadlines.”

- John Kotter


The combination of the Hogan Personality Assessment and the Hogan 360 yields a nuanced understanding of an individual's distinctive strengths and areas for improvement. Assessment-based coaching can offer measurable development strategies by leveraging data-driven insights, fostering targeted growth and optimising individual potential.


At PBC, we help organisations build their pipeline to grow middle managers through assessments and leadership development programs.


*This article is authored by Peter Berry, Managing Director at PBC

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